lördag 30 mars 2013

Its been a while. My app is slowly creeping towards that 3-digit mark. I'm still a bit confused by the fact that several people across the globe make use of something I created. The internet, and the freedom of information that comes with it, is a beautiful thing, huh?

I would like to thank everyone who tried my app, not just the people who still have it installed on their phone, but also the people who uninstalled it. The fact that someone uninstalled my app tells me that there was something about the app that they didn't like, and that is one of the things that drive me to want to improve on the app. So, thank you all for trying Quick NPC!

In related news, I'm working on the lists for the new version. There is a bit of translating from Swedish to English, spell-checking and such. At the moment I'm not entirely certain of some of my translations, or even if the descriptions themselves are entirely correct, but its all a work in progress and if you should come upon a translation in version 1.1 that doesn't quite fit or that just seems out of place or flat-out wrong, just contact me, and ill make sure to correct it.

Speaking of translations, if you feel that this app truly needs support for a third language, please contact me and ill get you a copy of the lists.


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